Tips for Planning a Move a Year from Now

So, you know you want to move, but it’s not quite the right time. Sometimes moves need to happen quickly (that’s okay too and I can help!) but if you’re lucky enough to have some time to prepare, it can help to alleviate some of the stress. Here are some of my best tips for how you can start planning now – even if you aren’t going to move for a while.

Declutter. Most of us have clothes and other household items that we don’t need. Now is a great time to toss, sell, or donate these unwanted items.

Organize your records. Everything from school records to appliance warranties – get these papers in order now.

Start a budget. Consider what costs you may incur during your move. This can include things like movers, packing materials, furniture for your new home, home improvement items, etc. Saving a little extra or at least making a list of these costs will help you better prepare.

Think about storage. Removing clutter, large pieces of furniture, etc. can help your home look more spacious and help you sell it for more money. Start a list of what items you may want to store while your home is on the market, and get some quotes from storage facilities.

Research your new area. Even if you plan to stay close, there’s research you can be doing now. Are you open to new schools if you find the right house? What neighborhoods are in your price point? What amenities (pools, playground, low maintenance, etc.) are necessary? If you are moving long-distance, you likely want to plan a visit and start researching things like cost of living, job market, schools, crime statistics, commute times, and more.

Make some fixes. Have a drippy faucet? An outdated light fixture that you don’t like? Overgrown bushes? These are minor, inexpensive fixes that you’ll want to take care of before you list your home. So, go ahead and cross them off your list. Bonus – you still have some time to enjoy these improvements before you make your move.

Look for temporary housing options. If you need to sell your current home before purchasing your next home, you’ll want to take a look at what options are available if you will have a gap in housing. If you’re moving locally, I can help you with some options!

Call me! It’s not at all too early to talk and start making a plan for the successful sale of your home. I can always be reached at 317-908-2599.

Get in touch with Amy.


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