5 Home Selling Tips That You Should Ignore

If you’re looking at selling your home, it’s likely that you’re about to receive a lot of advice. Some of it’s good, and some of it is just wrong or outdated. Here are a few home selling tips that you might hear, but should always ignore.

  1. Selling for sale by owner will save you money.

Everyone wants to get the most money they can from the sale of their home, so it can be tempting to sell on your own and avoid paying a commission.

However, selling a home is about a lot more than placing a sign in your yard. Because I’ve been in real estate for more than 16 years, I can help you put the right pieces in place so that you sell your home quickly and for the most money. Things like small home improvements, staging advice, and professional photography can help you get more for your home. As a seasoned agent, I’m also an advocate for you in the negotiation process, will market your home to the right people, and make sure all our I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed in the contract.

  1. Spring is the best time to sell.

The truth is, every season has buyers. In the Spring, there are more buyers, but there are also more sellers, so the competition to sell is much higher. Spring buyers also typically have more time to shop, vs. buyers at other times of the year that may have a bit more urgency.

In short, there’s no need to wait until Spring if you’re ready to sell now!

  1. Home Improvements are a waste of money.

Often there are a few improvements that can help you get more money for your home. Again, this is where selecting an agent with experience and knowledge of the market can really pay off! This doesn’t have to mean big changes or anything outside of your timeline or budget – but a few sensible changes can sometimes mean thousands of dollars in your pocket.

  1. Price your home high because you can always reduce it later.

You always want to price your home right the first time. When your home sits on the market or goes through a price reduction, buyers notice that and can start to wonder if something is wrong with the home. Plus, a home that sits on the market can cost you a lot of money on things like storage fees, multiple mortgage payments if you’ve already bought a home, and professional cleaning services. I always do my best to get your home priced right the first time. It’s actually better to undervalue the home because the market will correct it with multiple offers.

  1. Think about what the market could be like in a year.

Yes, we can guess what might happen a year from now, but no one really knows. Just be aware of anyone giving you advice to hold out and wait. Odds are that with homes selling quickly and mortgage rates still very low, there’s little room for any improvement in the market.


My biggest piece of advice is always to contact me if you’d like to chat about possibly selling. That’s what I’m here for – and I can share my best tips for making a move that results in you getting top dollar for your home! Call 317-908-2599 or email amy@amymoveshomes.com.

Get in touch with Amy.


Top 10 Tips to Sell Your Home Fast


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